I'm a "white person", even though I do not condone stereotyping people by placing them into a respective color pile. But I don't ever behave like this! These fellow white people are ridiculous and thanks for putting this together, because someone needed to say that! These fellow white assholes represent a bigger issue with America. And it's not racial injustice, as you could imagine, it's the wide-spread culture of dumb that is being shoved upon us. From the dumb reality TV shows to the diminishing value of higher education to WAP dance to TikTok influencers to OnlyFans, this country is going straight to shits. If the majority of population was actually cultured and educated like a proper human being would, Karen cooling her butt cheeks in the middle of the supermarket floor having a tantrum would be a non-issue! But here we are. Meanwhile China is taking over the world...